Darlington County Wrongful Death Lawyer

Losing a loved one is always a tragedy. Unfortunately, it’s something that happens to all of us, but not all of us lose loved ones prematurely and as a result of someone else’s careless actions. If your loved one lost their life due to the negligence of another, the James Law Office is prepared to fight for the justice your family deserves. Contact a Darlington County, South Carolina wrongful death lawyer from our firm today to learn more about what we can do for you.

Wrongful Death Lawyer | Here for Your Family

James Law Office is a personal injury law firm dedicated to helping people and their families after serious and fatal injuries. If you need a team who is knowledgeable in the law and truly cares about you on a human level, you’ve come to the right place.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in SC?

When a person loses their life, of course, their entire family and their friends will feel the gravity of the loss. However, not everyone is entitled, under South Carolina law, to bring a wrongful death claim. The only people who can bring a wrongful death claim in South Carolina are as follows:

  • The decedent’s spouse and children, if any
  • If no spouse or children, the decedent’s parents
  • If no spouse, children, or parents, the decedent’s heirs

The claim must also be brought by the decedent’s executor or the administrator of their estate.

What Does a Wrongful Death Claim Cover?

As long as you can prove that your loved one’s death was caused by the wrongful or negligent act or omission of another, and, had your loved one survived he or she would have had a valid personal injury claim against the other party, you should receive compensation to help you deal with the economic and non-economic damages you’ve suffered due to the loss of your loved one. Just some of the things you may receive compensation for in a wrongful death lawsuit are as follows:

  • The cost of medical treatment your loved one received prior to passing away
  • The cost of funeral expenses
  • Loss of income your loved one can no longer contribute to the family
  • Mental shock and suffering,
  • Grief and sorrow
  • The cost of household services your loved one performed that you now have to pay for, such as mowing the lawn
  • The loss of society and companionship

How Long Do I Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim in SC?

As with most other personal injury claims here in South Carolina, you are required to file your wrongful death lawsuit within three years of the date of your loved one’s death.

Contact James Law Office Today

No family of a wrongful death victim should have to suffer on their own. Our legal team is here to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact a competent and compassionate wrongful death lawyer from the James Law Office today to schedule your free case evaluation with our firm so you can tell us your story and so we can get fighting for the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.

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Darlington Office
54 Public Square

Darlington, SC 29532

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