Darlington County Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The state of South Carolina is among the most scenic in the country, and there’s no better way to explore the country than on a motorcycle. Though motorcycles are fun and cost-effective means of transportation, it’s no secret that they’re also rather dangerous, as all it takes is a negligent driver to throw a biker off of his or her vehicle and into harm’s way. If you were recently injured as a motorcyclist, we have your back. Contact a motorcycle accident lawyer from the James Law Office, LLC today to schedule your free case evaluation with our firm.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer | Fighting for Clients in Darlington County & the Pee Dee Region

When motorcyclists are involved in accidents, they’re often far more severely injured than other drivers, in large part due to the fact that they have little in the way of protection other than their helmet and the jacket on their back. Unfortunately, injured motorcyclists often require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation to get back to normal again, and if you’re one of them, our Darlington County, South Carolina auto accident lawyer is here to help.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents, not unlike most other auto accidents, are typically caused by driver negligence. Whenever a driver isn’t devoting their full attention to the road and the act of driving or chooses to ignore the rules and regulations of the road, they are considered negligent. Some of the most common types of driver negligence we see are as follows:

  • Distracted driving (e.g. texting while driving or applying makeup while driving)
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Tailing bikers too closely
  • Failing to look before changing lanes or merging
  • Opening car doors into passing bikers
  • Speeding

As long as our legal team can prove that you were hurt as a result of another driver’s negligent actions, you should qualify for financial compensation via your personal injury claim.

What Are Economic Damages?

The first type of damages for which you may be compensated via a personal injury claim are economic damages. Economic damages entail the financial losses you’ve incurred as a result of your accident and can include medical bills, lost wages, the cost of damaged property, and more.

What Are Non-Economic Damages?

Non-economic damages are the second type of damages for which a person may be compensated, and include non-financial damages, such as pain and suffering and the loss of enjoyment of life. Our legal team is dedicated. Our legal team is dedicated to recovering the full and fair compensation to which every client is entitled. We know that in many ways, your future rests in the outcome of our case, and you have our pledge to fight for you, every step of the way.

Contact a Seasoned Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

There is nothing more devastating than being critically injured in an accident of any kind. If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident caused by a careless driver, our team is here to provide you with the legal support you need. Contact a motorcycle accident lawyer from the James Law Office today to schedule your free case evaluation with our competent legal team.

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54 Public Square

Darlington, SC 29532

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