Can I Sue a Restaurant for Food Poisoning?

James Law Office, LLC

A restaurant and its employees have a duty to provide food that is safe for consumption. An establishment that does not take its responsibilities carefully can cause harm, and they need to be held responsible for that. This is why you can sue for food poisoning in this state. A Darlington, South Carolina personal injury lawyer from our law firm can help you pursue compensation.

What Are the Symptoms of Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning symptoms can be mild, but they can also get serious enough to warrant hospitalization or a trip to the doctor. Most cases result in:

  • Nausea
  • A slight fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps and pain
  • Dehydration

Some cases result in even more worrying symptoms. People may need to go to the hospital for issues like:

  • A fever of more than 102 degrees
  • Diarrhea and vomiting that lasts for days
  • Bloody stools
  • Extreme dehydration and difficulty keeping liquids down

Older folks, children, and pregnant women are more likely to develop more acute symptoms.

What Should I Do After I Get Sick?

After you get sick, your first priority should be to get the care that you need. Then you should:

  • Keep any medical bills related to your food poisoning
  • Gather paystubs that can show how much pay you lost during your recovery
  • Hang onto leftovers, if you brought any home with you, so that they can be tested

Then it might be a good time to contact a lawyer.

When Can I Sue Over Food Poisoning?

Most of the time it can be difficult to prove food poisoning if the symptoms are mild. It can be worthwhile to pursue damages if you have more severe symptoms though. If you or a loved one had to go to a hospital due to food poisoning, suing can be the best way to recover damages and hold a restaurant accountable for the harm that it has caused. Your compensation can help you cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Wages you missed when you were recovering
  • Wrongful death

If one of your loved ones passes away due to symptoms and complications caused by food poisoning, you can pursue wrongful death damages that can take into account their financial contribution to your household as well as the loss of companionship you are experiencing.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?

You are not required to hire a lawyer when you sue for food poisoning, but you should know how much an attorney from our firm can do for you before you decide to go it alone. An experienced personal injury lawyer can:

  • Investigate the sourcing and handling of the food
  • Figure out if other diners had food poisoning
  • Explore class action lawsuit possibilities
  • Contact experts on microbiology and foodborne illness
  • Keep you updated on any progress in your case
  • Calculate fair compensation

Your attorney is there to help you fight for compensation, and they will do anything that they can to assist with that goal.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are ready to learn more about your legal options, contact the James Law Office, LLC. We can schedule a consultation and tell you more about what we can do for you and your family.

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